4bc16de163 In fact, with every new chapter Im literally angry reading this now. Ill not share the link for the next time and Im so sorry because I have been share the link when I comment previously. Shows less ability to think then the villains only getting out of trouble due to Major Plot Armor. What brings it down is the story, or the lack of story, I should say. This gives an indication that after MC becomes strongest in this world, he will probably ascend to some higher plane (my speculation) (and bear in mind we are already at chap 450ish).
He experiences many things, life, death and everything in between. All rights reserved.Theme: ColorMag by ThemeGrill. Powered by WordPress and Stargazer. To many Plot Twist. From then on, he stepped onto a completely different path of sword cultivation and became the Sword God of the generation. 2. Its like drugs; you know its bad, but you want a dose of it anyway. Please use proper spacing and paragraphs.
Neylgaili replied
433 weeks ago