f8b064a664 A controller is usually called by a URL from the web-browser. download Mac OSX 10.6 . Now navigate into firstRailsApp directory (again using cd) and type ruby scriptabout and hit enter, you will see the versions of Ruby, Rails and other packages. In this example, the controllers class name is RecipeController and the controller file name is recipecontroller.rb , which is as follows [sourcecode language=ruby] class RecipeController [title like ?, title]) end def addrecipe arecipe = Recipe.new(params[:newrecipe]) arecipe.save redirectto :action => list end def deletetherecipe Recipe.find(params[:id]).destroy redirectto :action => list end def editrecipe recipetoedit = Recipe.find(params[:id]) end def saverecipe recipetoupdate = Recipe.find(params[:arecipeid]) recipetoupdate.updateattributes(params[:recipetoedit]) redirectto :action => list end end [/sourcecode] View Part 2 Summary: From the previous Video, we look at list.rhtml. Model maintains the state of your application. download Mac OSX 10.7 & 10.8 . Summary:. Installation on Mac Part 2.
In windows, we can access this by going to Start button, then Run and then type cmd. pdf xchange viewer free download windows 8. View is responsible for generating User Interface through which a website user interacts with it Controller can be perceived as the part which controls and co-ordinates the View and Model. Model Summary: Model interacts with database and maintains state of the database in a Rails Application. CodeIgniter Just another php framework ?? Posted on June 23, 2008 by rajeev 2 Somewhere last year (April-May 2007), I started my journey into Web 2.0 . ruby S , Thomas D , Heinemeier Hansson D. Scaffolding . Lets explore more in the following posts. Since I am a newbie myself, I shall try this feature some other time . This creates/generates a Rails application in that directory.
Neylgaili replied
413 weeks ago